DREAM BIG, ACHIEVE BIG , life changing motivation



There is no shortcut to success. Allah has bestowed all of us with some unique skill and character; you just need to recognize your potential and skill. Having recognized your skill and the journey begins.

Now dream big to achieve big. Bigger is a relative term it refers to being a little higher and larger than now. You just require setting your sights a little higher. Instead of day dreaming start big dreaming, put your maximum efforts to achieve it. Without big dreams, you will never reach your full potential.

It is all well to have big, bold and meaningful dreams, but without hard work and struggle, these dreams may forever lives in your mind. By adopting some strategies you, the youth, can make their way in life and get big really big.


The mind is everything, what you think you become’. When you dream big, you achieve big. Wisely set your goals, plans promptly, notice the opportunities and then struggle accordingly. This struggle creates a momentum that builds exponentially.

If you feel your path is blocked, there is always some other path. Think wisely and find your way. Don’t stuck on one thing, there is a will there is a way.


Just dream big. Go for it. There’s nothing holding you back. You can have ups and downs, but if you believe in something, keep the faith; keep fighting. And don’t let people put you down. (Geraint Thomas)

To achieve some big, you need to believe yourself. If you are in a bit so-so about yourself, then why not the world is? Be confident for dreaming big and to achieve big. Know your worth and struggle for your goals with full-fledged self-esteem, that yes! I can.


When your vision and purpose is clear, you are more straight towards your goals, habits, strategies, possibilities and these all make you more focused on your targets. Even, if you stumble, you are guided by that big dream like something is pinches in your subconscious to get back in right direction.


This fear is real. There is a chance of failure, that is scary but remember, for a long jump you have to take two steps back and this failure is that two steps. Embrace the challenges and difficulties with a belief that they are a part of your journey of success. To overcome this fear and doubts, surround yourself with dreamers like you. People who are your real mentors, and encourage you to use these failures as fuel to gear you up towards some big achievements.


Read books to go through the lives of successful people. Know about their habits, their experiences, and their way to deal with failures. Reading n learning via books, sculpt your personality and improve your communication skills. Books are the best and most authentic source of information and knowledge.


Write down your goals and imaginations and this becomes a statement of intent. This writing becomes a commitment, which forces your subconscious to work hard towards your goal. Write your settles deadline and try your best to meet this deadline. Be careful about your deadlines, neither in hurry nor very late. When you complete your goal, don’t forget to reward yourself. Once you enjoyed your reward, now it’s time to set a new goal.


A major part of dreaming big is not to lower the standards of your dreams, but always raise your expectations from yourself. Empowering yourself in skills, character, learning, knowledge and abilities is more valuable than success. Growth is more important than success; you might be face some backlashes, but this growth will push you towards struggle and ends up with success.


While the rest of the world sleeps, a select few are rising. Sayings such as ‘the early bird catches the worm’ suggest that success comes to those who set their alarms earlier than others.

Studies claim that all the CEOs leave beds in a very early morning. Fresh air, calmness of growing sun charges you with a positive energy. The early morning always persuade a spiritual calmness and relaxation in your life. Mornings are the best time to meet your own self, and boost yourself foe a new big day.


A healthy mind can dream big, and a healthy body could achieve it. Must give some time to yourself and always indulge your body n some physical activities. It is not just a matter of “flat abs”. Exercise always help to overcome many mental issues like anxiety, stress and depression.


“Time is money” and yes it is. Those who dream big and are serious about making their lives best, posses a super time management skills. They very wisely use their asset. Religious practice like namaz is the best way to make you punctual.

Constructively, use the digital and social platforms to enhance your skill and knowledge instead of wasting your time.

A big dreamer, and might be a successful dreamer never procrastinate his plans. Be a now person, neither today nor tomorrow. Take right decision on right time and just do it.


Challenges are essential to growth. When you come face-to-face with tough situations and even failure, you cannot give up. Instead, you are able to glean critical lessons and gain practical tools to succeed in the future, building character and know-how along the way.


Remember dreaming is free, it doesn’t cost anything but it gives you a hope, a way to lighten your life with success and happiness. Overcoming fear and doubt, taking action, and being persistent are crucial in turning your dreams into reality.

Without a big dream, you limit your potential, blocking your capacity to thrive under challenging circumstances and preventing yourself from focusing on self-improvement.

Dreaming big means setting ambitious goals, by saying no to fear and dismay and by adopting positive habits and practices. Staying flexible and continuously dreaming bigger are keys in living a life that is truly remarkable and extraordinary. So, go ahead and dream big, because the journey is never-ending.


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